Satellite communication

In an increasingly connected world, your information cannot be adrift

The  demand for robust and efficient offshore communications has never been more  critical. The need to transfer large volumes of data in real-time for onshore  operations requires communication solutions that exceed expectations in terms  of reliability and performance.
Infraops, in partnership with KVH, offers an advanced satellite communication solution  designed to meet all sector challenges. A global connection solution that is  not limited to a single satellite provider; it is a multi-satellite ecosystem  with synergy between the most advanced technologies on the market, including  the possibility of integrating links such as Starlink or Oneweb.

Our differential is in the ability to balance and prioritize traffic between various links, ensuring uninterrupted and efficient connectivity. This means  not only operational continuity without failures but also cost optimization  and maximization of end-user satisfaction.

A comprehensive technical solution designed to meet the growing demands of high-speed communication in offshore environments.

Integrate cutting-edge technologies in providing Ku-band link complemented by the  versatility and expanded coverage through Starlink or Oneweb links to have a  resilient satellite communication system adaptable to your operation's needs.

With  Infraops, you have more than a communication solution; you have the guarantee  that your offshore operation will remain connected, overcoming present  challenges and prepared for future innovations.

Link via Banda Ku

It provides a solid base for satellite communications, renowned for its reliability and wide coverage, particularly suitable for marine and offshore applications.

Starlink/Oneweb links

Integration with Starlink or Oneweb's low-orbit satellite (LEO) services, which offer reduced latencies and significantly higher download/upload speeds. This diversity of links guarantees extensive coverage and greater flexibility in terms of capacity and performance.

Load Balancing

The solution employs advanced load balancing techniques, optimizing the use of available links. This not only maximizes the efficiency of the available broadband, but also ensures the continuity of the service even in the event of a failure or degradation of one of the links.

Individual Consumption Control

Implement  monitoring and control tools that allow detailed management of data  consumption, enabling efficient allocation of network resources and  prevention of unwanted overloads.

Link Management and NOC in Portuguese

A key  differential of our offer is the professionalized link management support accompanied by a Network Operations Center (NOC) with technical support fluent in Portuguese.
This facilitates communication and quick resolution of any incident or support need.

See also


Você sabe o que é NOC, ITOC ou Centro de Comando e Controle?

Antes de falarmos sobre o NOC em si, precisamos falar sobre o Centro de Comando e Controle (CCC) ou Centro de Operações.

Modbus – Monitoramento Industrial

O protocolo Modbus é uma das principais formas de comunicação utilizadas em equipamentos industriais e IOT.

Qual a melhor ferramenta de monitoramento?

Existem vários sistemas de monitoramento disponíveis no mercado, cada um com suas próprias características e recursos.